Bosley’s homecoming…


First of all THANK YOU VICKY!!!  How do you do it?  I wasn’t looking forward to the “”first night puppy drama” but much to my amazement and delight Bosley was perfect.  His crate (the one from your house Vicky) sits on a low night stand next to the bed.  He’s about level with the bed.  At bed time, after exploring the house and going out to potty, I put him in his crate and he whimpered/whined for less than five minutes.  I put a couple of fingers in the holes of the crate and he settled right down…not another peep until around 2:00 a.m.   We had a potty break and then a few whimpers/whines after being put in the crate again and then silence until 6:00 a.m.  I’ve never had such an easy puppy first night.  Bosley really is amazing.


This morning he’s been fetching his red ball.  How does he know how to do this?  Go get it, bring it, give…he does it all – it is like he was pre-programmed.  And he did it not once but time and time again.  I had my morning coffee sitting on the floor playing ball. 


Eddie is adjusting (he’s a very non-confrontational dog so I don’t imagine that he’ll growl let alone nip).  Bosley is in his pen now so I can write you and Eddie can have a break.  The cats have not shown their faces yet…all in good time.


Thank you again Vicky and Jeff…what a wonderful, loving spirit you’ve given us.  He is perfect.  All the best to you.  Bonnie       


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