Bosley at one year

(the following is an email from Bosley’s mom, who also has another puppy from the Liberty family, Annie. This was in January, when they were all turning one. I like this as she has added Bosley growing through the year. Plus, I just love her…:) )..

Happy Birthday Tucker and Zoey. It’s hard to believe that the puppies will be a year old tomorrow. I cannot believe how the time has flown…it seems like only yesterday that we were talking about housebreaking and puppy mouthing and now suddenly we have well mannered dogs sitting by our sides. Bosley has grown into a wonderful companion…he is everything we’d hoped for and more.
I’ve attached a few pictures of Bosley over the past year. The first was taken about 15 minutes ago (Vicky note: I inserted it above).. and the last one was when he was 5 weeks old. Of course I had to include one of Annie too.

Happy Birthday Zoey and Tucker…

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