Bosley and Tuckers new family exchange hints and updates…

Hi xx,


Concerning the walking – Tucker isn’t always thrilled with the leash and sometimes gets REALLY tired of it. He’ll just sit down sometimes and I have to tug a bit to get him going again. I try to keep him on my left side as in obedience training just get him used to being where he is supposed to be. Otherwise, he is meandering all over the place and I’ve nearly tripped over him several time. He is interested in stopping to smell EVERYTHING and MOUTH it too. I figure he is a young puppy and not to let him stop and dawdle a few minutes would make it even more tiresome and put him off the whole idea. However, I make sure “I” decide when he can dawdle and when we need to keep going so he doesn’t get the idea that he is walking me. I NEVER stop when he is acting up a little, only when he is behaving and walking nicely. I don’t want to reward the behavior of sitting and refusing to go or lunging at the side of the path to smell or mouth something. Later on since I walk for exercise, I don’t want to be stopping every minute or two allowing the dog to be in charge. Our other dogs adjusted to that and would keep up on long walks (when they are old enough) and at the end, they could play or be off leash in an area where there was no concern of vehicles, etc. So there was incentive for them to walk at my pace.


Having said all that, we just got back from taking Tucker to get his next round of vaccinations. The vet, who admits she is conservative,  discouraged us from taking walks where we can’t know if dogs have access to the area have been vaccinated or not (pretty much EVERYWHERE). She warned us that PARVO is not something we want to deal with. It could kill and if it didn’t would be very painful for Tucker and costly for us. She encouraged us to let Tucker “socialize” with dogs we KNOW aren’t sick and have had their vaccinations kept current like neighbors and friends. In fact, strongly discouraged us from taking him to puppy class tomorrow. Nothing could happen she said but it was risky. I’ve got to call them and see if I can apply his fee to a later class. I know they sanitize the area before puppy classes but she told me that some puppies regardless of their vaccinations could be ill and not showing it yet. She really scared us off the idea until his vaccinations are finished. There are lots of dogs/puppies out there that haven’t gotten the good care like Vicky and Jeff give. Oh! Another thing….. I told her Tucker ran to the laundry room and begged to eat from mid-morning till dinner time in spite of having had breakfast. She suggested I feed him another meal during the day and see how that goes.  If he is still acting hungry add a snack. How is Bosley with eating? Is he happy with a couple of meals a day?


I have to chuckle, I’m obsessive too about Tucker going outside to potty. When I have to leave the room for something I ask xx to keep an eye on Tucker until I get back down (if he isn’t in his pen). His idea of keeping an eye on Tucker and mine are two different concepts. LOL!!! When I take Tucker outside, I’m giving him a half treat of the liver treats when he goes potty. At this point, he looks at me expectedly affirming I have a treat in my hand when I tell him to “go potty”  and “almost” every time runs around sniffing for a good spot then pees. He quickly runs back to me sits down looking up at my face and seemingly asks, ” I went, where is my treat?” Whatever works, right?


Toby is being as stodgy as they come. He isn’t being mean, he just tries to pretend Tucker isn’t here. He is also not eating much and has lost a little weight. I think he is just adjusting. I hope he gets there soon, poor guy.


I’m having a ball regardless. Who knew what a puppy could do for your psyche?

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