Bo bo at the milk bar and other three week photos

We are running a bit late on uploading Izzy’s three week photos. Dolly, the first born and first to open her eyes, and so far, the first at everything got a “bo-bo”.   While at the “milk bar” with her sisters, as they work the paws to pump more milk, got her eye scratched. We have had this happen once before. They are still learning to use their instincts of opening and closing their eyes and we heard it happen. Somethings can’t be helped. We trim their nails but things happen.

Our vet has looked her over and she has eye medicine we are putting in. He does not think she has injured her eye but we will take her back once healed and he will scope her eye to be sure.  He will put in a solution that numbs the eye and then add a dye to look at her cornea and other soft tissue. But her eye has to heal first. She tracks fine with her eye and you can see that it is not bad, but still a bo bo.

She did get some extra training in with the drive to the vet in her pet carrier, she did very well. And she has the sweetest temperament and did not complain at all with our vet and his assistant.

Izzy was waiting at the door when I came home wondering where I went with her puppy!

All the girls are developing well, learning to walk and this weekend they will move from the whelp box which they rapidly outgrowing to the puppy playpen.  This gives them more room to stretch their legs, have a sleep area and we introduce the potty training system at this time. At 4 weeks we introduce them to water and at the end of the week a wet mush.

They had their first living room romp where they stayed very close to Izzy with Blondie and Dolly being the most adventure seeking, daredevils walking off the blanket we laid on the floor to boldly go where this litter has not gone before. In a week, they will be all over the living room. But inch by inch they are turning from whelp (newborns) to puppies.










Dolly and her bo bo:


The milk bar injury, day 3:



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