Best in Snow!

Well, doodles and snow go together like peas and carrots! I swear they are like kids and when they get out it is very hard to get them back into the house; especially Chief and Henna! They roll in it, bury their faces in it and run and jump and frolic. When they finally come in I have oodles of wet doodles to contend with. They are such funny spirits!

We had Henna groomed shorter to see the color coming in. She is really looking like Chief, but smaller in size. Henna is with us for a while as she goes through health testing to head to Hawaii. Echo is coming in darker as well and she and Henna play with each other constantly. Their new favorite toy is the rope. We wait for the testing to come in the mail to finalize Echo’s trip to the Netherlands.

Libby is getting bigger and we wonder how many puppies are in there? She is starting to move slower and is not enjoying the snow as much as the others, but watching from the doorway.

Bear with us if you don’t get email responses back right away. The electricity has been going up and down and as the ice comes we hear there will be more electric outages. Snuggle in, cuddle with a doodle, and have the most blessed Christmas and new years!




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