Belle’s January Whelp heads to the Vet…

Well; the puppies are back from their first every vet visit. J They all checked out great. Our Vet is Amazing! He spent over an hour and a half checking out their hearts, skeleton, head, mouth (cleft palate syndrome), reflexes, muscle structure and breathing. He looks at their skull, listens to lungs, and looks for deformities. Belle’s litter is solid, healthy and thriving.. and yes; passed with flying colors. I hope you are all lucky enough to find a vet you and your dogs love!

He looked over Belle to be sure she did alright with the birthing process. We had micro chip numbers issued for each puppy, but will not have the chips injected until their first shot series. $450 dollars later, we left knowing that we produce stunning puppies and are in good hands with our vet. And that, my dears.. to us.. is priceless.

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