Baby Izzy update!

I was reading emails and doing some updates when the email sound informed me, I have mail! Baby Izzy pictures! There were so many I had to make her own album!  Thanks so much for the pictures; I love watching them grow and love hearing about their family life.  Thanks again and keep the updates coming!



We finally have pictures! She is a wonderful dog. There are a few new puppies on the street and Izzy taught one of the dogs (9 weeks old) to go down their front steps. She is very chill and loves to be around people and other dogs. She has a little anxiety when we leave for work but we are working on that. She is attached to both of us, when one leaves she waits by the door and whines (no barking- which is wonderful). She is perfect in every way- we love her like a child. The dog walker loves how she gives kisses, anyone who sees her just loves her and wants one of their own. Thanks for such a wonderful dog, she is such a happy spirit.

-Kelli & Chris

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