Baby Izzy pictures

Baby Izzy once called Rosie getting some Jeff time

Baby Izzy once called Rosie getting some Jeff time

Here is a picture of “baby” Izzy Wallace, once named Rosie, a Chief baby staying with us before heading to Boston. I so love what Chief brings to the lines. Between the intelligence, color and the way they read people, they just are my most favorite dog in the whole world. Not that I am partial or anything. 🙂

I actually feel lucky as she brings back that puppy joy of life sparkle durng the passing of my brother. Her forever family liked the name of our new “Izzie” that she has been renamed that. Her call name has been “Itty Bitty Izzy” so Jeff and I can figure out who were are referring to when we say Izzy. Even others who know our dogs refer to her as Itty Bitty Izzy.

We had some nice weather for a few hours and took several shots for her forever family/ I loaded them onto our online photo gallery. I think this is my favorite picture, with those soulful eyes. She is a happy puppy, but this picture just speaks to me.

But, then again, I do like this one:

Baby Izzy leans in for cuddle

She has learned to go in and out of the doggie door and is so very proud of her big grown up self. 🙂 And, yes, I have pictures of that as well. 🙂

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