And then there was one

Roman is the last to leave the nest. He is adopted, but his forever family is waiting as there are school teachers in the house. He will be desexed and recoup and then head out mid June. He has children to call his own. 🙂 Ginger is doing well and the parents pulled off a BIG surprise to their kids. Jeff drove her 1/2 way while the dad and children were at the movies. I came home and cleaned house before mother’s day. We had a nice gathering in our backyard as Baby Izzy played with family and friends.

I tried hard to make this a good mother’s day for my mother; the touchstone of the family and one that has gone through much in the last year. My mom is a woman that is amazing, juggling so many things as we grew without a hair out of place. She lets us all be we can be, while making sure we know to “be our self” but, our best self. She is truly the most wonderful woman I know and a good friend. And, our children, “bless their hearts” are sending us to Hawaii for our mother/father day present. I learned how to raise wonderful children from my mother. 🙂

(side note: my son is handsome and available, “must love dogs”… *for future mother in law*. I was so busy hosting I forgot to gather DNA swabs. But, trust me, I will report when that mission is complete).

Clyde flew today, saying goodbye to his foster family who were sad in seeing him go. You know they are being loved when it is hard for them to go. I assured them that Clyde will have a wonderful life with his new family.

Clyde was picked up today at the airport by his forever family. It sounds like although he did not enjoy his flight, he settled right into his forever home. Here is a copy and paste from his new family ( my favorite part was the “I have to tend to the baby”, melt my heart. My baby is in good hands). I also enjoyed that he was on Skype, sigh. Puppies now adays are so tech-savy… 🙂 :

He is wonderful!!!!!! He is on skype with my daughter and her friends who are still at college. He soiled his cage but we were prepared with the garbage bags and all, but I held him all the way home and by the time we got home he was looking around at everything. Once home he went to the back yard and ran around like crazy but followed me everywhere. I tried to tire him out but to no avail. We have him in his inside cage with both of us in view. He loves his new stuffed bunny. He is wrestling with it as we speak. He met the cat and dog and all went well. There are the occasional cries but he is doing fine.

I will keep you posted as we go along. Now he is in full vocals. He wants me off the computer. I have to go tend the baby!!!!
He will be much loved… don’t worry.

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