Almost 4 Weeks!

Belle’s litter is now almost 4 weeks old and really turning into itty bitty puppies. I know you heard me say it before, but I do love this last week and the coming week. Walking is getting much better and this next week, we will have some full on gaits, going sideways as they will not truly have the back leg control. Such brave young souls with no fear, just excitement and exploration.

Last night we gave the puppies their first taste of a wet meal besides Belle’s “milk bar”. Lots of walking through before learning to lap. Soon, their world will be expanded to the puppy play pen as they will be outgrowing the whelp box this next week and need some exercise, but in a safe place. Belle is sharing the puppies with Libby and even Chief so she must feel like they are doing very well. She is still got her mom’s “third eye” trained but allows the others over and looking into the whelp box to see the new pack members. Libby is in heaven, as any good grandmother.

They each are really developing nicely. I will be uploading the video snippet from our phone tonight. Stay tuned!

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