Cinnie and Chief 7 week old puppy update!

The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here.

Hello World! I have a new laptop and am getting it loaded with software that I had on the other laptop. Sorry for the delay with pictures and posting. Cinnie and Chief litter are 7 weeks old!  They are cute and loved and have developed into smart happy puppies. Today their minds should be “fully developed” and the puppy stage is fully here. One more week with mom teaching them the proper behavior in dog social skills and then it is time for them to leave the nest.

Each puppy has their own special trait of course. Although alike in some puppy regards it is amazing that they were “born” to be who they will be and watch it bloom within their puppy pack. I see the traits I know well from both Cinnie and Chief and this is a good match.

Ginger, the girl, loves her Daddy (the family Daddy) and works him with charm. She snuggles into the neck. They all give kisses readily and Cinnie’s girl has them exposed to balls, adventures (taking them through her built obstacle courses) and handling. She renamed the puppy play pen “puppy hotel” and plays school with them. Ginger and Clyde are the peas & carrots, go together with each other very closely. Clyde and Roman are still trying to figure out who is above the other, with the role changing but I think Roman wins. Clyde lets him then if Roman is “pushing it” Clyde wins. Ginger joins in the play as well as it is all part of the pack dynamics and social development. All have great boning and nice block size and structure. Clyde is going to be the lover of the family with a wonderful fleece coat, reminding me of Bosley a bit. Ginger will have a curlier fleece and owl eyes and is “daddy’s girl” of the bunch. Roman I think is going to be a phantom parchment; very curly fleece. He tends to be the ring leader. When playing with a mechanical mouse, the others approached slowly to play, but Roman just burst right in. Cinnamon scooped the price away from the litter and we observed a wonderful “mouse chase” between them all.

We are lucky as when much happened in a short time the puppies were in such good hands. Thank you Travis and Maridee, Cinnie’s girl, and of course, Cinnie. She has done a wonderful job for her first litter and still lets them nurse.

I do need to bring my other camera as I took my flip since at this age it is hard to get a single shot. I uploaded a video but it was cut off since it was a bit to large, but is available on the online photo link from our web page.  We had a break in the weather as well so we were able to see them outside playing in the backyard.

Last week they had their first puppy shots, shortly we will visit again and trim their puppy nails and have their puppy apptitude testing done. Then next week we start to schedule the microchip implant and desexing surgery.  

Happy here and now at 7 weeks old!






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