A funny thing happened on the way to the lake (and while there, and heading home)…

Sunday afternoon found me demanding to have some time away. After using my vacation time for a few days off doing paperwork, computer work, and other things that ate into my time like an ulcer I longed for a bit of summer time bliss. To me beach time was needed. But, eh gads, it was 1 PM already.

Bless his heart, seriously. Jeff agreed to drive me to the lake to grab some much needed sun for a few hours and get away from housework and computers and technology in general. The dogs stayed with daughter since we had just a few hours of daylight left and I really, really, really wanted to just sit on a beach, with a book, and the sun. The lake I wanted to go to was about an hour away.

We left after a quick pack, Yippee..but… we detoured to check out one of the many very small county parks off on side roads. Jeff knows so many side roads. I am always amazed at his sense of direction and random bits of historically knoweldge about the area, such as the mushroom farm and the historical bench in the middle of somewhere that I would probably never be able to find again.  But, I did not want a Sunday drive, I wanted sun time. Not that I did not enjoy it. I was just ansy to take a time out.

Although the detour was well intended, there was just shade of old coastal redwoods at this park. Although well meaning, I think he got it when I said, honey… I asked for water, beach, sun. Three things and a few hours of them. Well, there was a small rocky creek, a wooden bridge. Actually very quaint and a place I would love to paint.

Another couple were there with there grandkids, and for some reason she was singing an old gospel song under her breathe; one I had heard long ago.  Jeff smiles and says, not the lake, hum?  We smile at each other and we head back to the car.

Finally, we arrived at the lake gate. I did enjoy the drive, the fields, the nurserys and birds. As we pull out of the lake gate, Jeff is asking since we don’t have the boat where we should go. Perhaps drive around and look at the other end of the lake? …. 🙂 As it was getting much later and I just wanted some sit next to the water and read time I said a bit huffy, just get me to the nearest patch of sun and water and beach together. And, he did.

Jeff, you see, is not a sun lover and does not appreciate my own inner truth of the the holy trinity of taking some time out. that being water, sun, and a beach. The fact they must all be attached together seems to not make sense to him. FINALLY we park and at 3:53 PM I am unloading quickly to please; just grab a bit of some sun time.

I set up a blanket, open the book and read a page and …Jeff moves to sit off in the shade.  I was raised to be riddled with guilt for such selfishness. I look up to the heavens and ask God to forgive me but I just need a small break. I tell Jeff, not sure that he gets that I need some sun, water, and beach for a bit of inner refreshing.

I move my blanket towards the shade and Jeff and I make small talk about funny things of family, fishing, life. Perhaps it was just get away from the computers, phone, and final paperwork for my brother I say. He nods. He then encourages me to go back to my book for a bit. I say no and he says, I drove you all this way and your not taking the time to enjoy it. How can I enjoy it when your not, is my reply. And so it goes and I read a bit as the sun sets.

Then, as I just get to page 3 of a book (that I have been waiting to read for months)… a man walks up and says, excuse me, but we will be having a baptism right here in a few minutes. Being raised in the south, I have a vision of a teenager, reflecting back on the glorious day of their baptism and pulling out a photo that marked the occasion. I also reflect how in the middle of the ceremonially circle, in the photo lies a chubby lady in a pink polka dot tankini bathing suit reading a novel.

I look up to the heavens and grin. Jeff is sitting on the bank in the shade smiling. He reaches back and gets my tshirt cover up and shorts. I move next to him in the shade we both grin at each other and sit to watch as 7 people are born again; walking from the banks, immersed in  the water, getting the Sun. Once again, someone is trying to tell me to just enjoy the experience.

I have proof, I did not make this up. “Swear to God”. He was there too, go ask him. 🙂 Jeff took a cell phone picture. God has a sense of humor, as I was saying Sun time, he sent me Son time.

So, headed home from the lake and still had for me, some valuable talk time with hubby, and we both laughed about our Sunday adventure. Then, to cap it off, someone took great care to plant an old truck with flowers next to the road. There was no house near it so I am sure they have to come and water it, but it just was just another goofy thing. Do you think God was sending flowers after the whole “novel” experience? Was nice to get away even though it was a bit “not the destination but the trip that counts” kinda day. A doodle day, sans doodles for a few hours.

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