Bosley update

(I am behind in my updates as I have been in the garden… J )… Here is one from Bosley’s new mom

May 1, 2009

Hello Ladies, Had to share the pix of Bosley in his big boy bed. It just arrived today so he’ll be sleeping in it tonight. He’s out grown the crate from your house Vicky and he can’t really stretch out in Eddie’s crate so I ordered a larger one for him.. I’m hoping this will fit his adult size. I’m counting on him being a VERY GOOD dog and not chewing his nice, soft, fluffy cushion. Keep your fingers crossed.


MJ, doggy day care is going better than I could have hoped. The woman who is the day care dog wrangler said that Boz has really come out of his shell. When we went to pick him up last Tuesday he was playing with the largest, noisiest dog there. Some of the dogs are reform school drop outs…they are barky and pushy. I can see why their owners have them in day care. There are others that are well mannered. Of course, you know which crowd Bosley hangs with.. I’m sure if they could they’d be sneaking cigarettes behind the gym.. There are usually about 10 dogs in day care. The exposure has helped Boz and he is now fairly confident when we meet new dogs on our walking trail at the park. Most of the people at the park let their dogs off leash (not me…Boz will forever be on the flexileash) and sometimes the dogs rush up to us. He’ll hold his ground with all but the most barky, jumpy ones…with the really frisky ones he still tries to hide behind my legs. A big golden retriever came up to us this morning (happened to be named Tucker) and Boz put his front legs on the retriever’s chest to be able to smell his mouth. No hesitation at all. So my goal of day care helping him socialize with other dogs seems to be working. Plus it is heaven for me. Four whole hours of someone else caring for Bosley and then when he gets home he is beat. Sleeps for at least 3 hours and is wiped out the remainder of the day. A tired puppy is a good puppy.


Boz yawned today and I think I saw an adult molar coming in towards the back upper side. How about Tucker and Zoey….new teeth yet?


Take care all…Bosley sends puppy kisses. Bonnie

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