Marching Boldly through Week 5…

Week 5 we head into the puppy play pen! The whelp has outgrown their whelp box in the dining room and need room to run! Libby has begun to taper them off as they all have teeth now and they are eating puppy wet food now. They are busy exploring, running, mouthing and playing, all part of their pack development. This week will be more experiences; starting with their bold march into the 5th week with stepping outside and exploring new smells and textures. Chief, the whelps sire, has been visiting a friend as Belle had been in heat. He comes home this week as well to see his new prodigy for the first time.

I purchased some valentine pillows and stuffed animals for their first valentine photos that I want to include with their litter announcement so I will be working on that this week as well as more pictures and hopefully a few video snippets. Bandit has been renamed Bosley by his new family. As of this writing, both Sunny and Curtie are still available to the right family for adoption. All will be smart, loyal, loving healthy companions for the right family. They all carry the trait of being very attuned to “humans” that we breed for. From very healthy, tested lines…with Liberty’s intelligence and gentleness and Chief’s block and playful nature they are going to be great family members.

Sunny: Cuddlier.. Bonnie (Bosley’s new family mom) stated Sunny looks so serious in photos and not anything like her in person. I have to agree as I think she is camera shy…J She is outgoing and all have puppy energy but she will be more loving and the lap seeker of the group, a joyful little spirit with any easy going nature.


Curite: Playful Buddy..Loves to explore, be with you and whatever you’re doing he wants to be there too! He was the first to check out behind the couch, first to play with the ball, explore under the table and head out the door to the great outside. Happy camper…


Bandit/Bosley: The gentle giant love bug of the group, still a puppy with an old soulful look way he looks at you. He has been adopted:


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