There is a Gator at the airport and other updates :)

Duke, new name Gator, is at the airport getting ready to fly to Sarah and Darin in Washington, DC. As I just emailed Darin, I hate this part. They always fly fine, but the limbo of Gator not being in our hands and not in the family hands is something I don’t like to “limbo” over. Thank goodness for airline online tracking. What did we ever do without technology?

Tuck had his “surgery” and is bouncing back from the neuter and tear duct enlargement. This was a first for us, although other breeders have done it. You learn so much and even after the last 10 years, I had no idea that dogs have two bottom tear ducts. They were very small, so they enlarged them with two snips (do not attempt at home kids). I try to look very close, and it is the size of a pin hole; amazing, hum?

With that and Duke/Gator arrangements we delayed Scooter and Normans surgery as I can truly only provide so much good TLC at a time. We have been working on crate training and this week will go to adding a collars and leads.

Jeff I love you! He has cooked dinner and done laundry and driven to vets and airports and homes with me and I am so lucky to have someone that loves our dogs and puppies. I am sure my puppy owners would agree, “we had no idea we would be so crazy about our dogs” and we already were those people that loved dogs. Our dining area has been home to “puppy crate training”, whelping, and other doodlings. If someone told me years ago this would be going on in my dining area, I would have given them the “whatever are you talking about” look. I am sure the same would be true for Jeff. Thank goodness we are now back on track, caught up from brother’s passing with our pre-planned whelps and puppy reservations.

And soon, there will be a Gator on the plane, and then, a Gator in Washington DC. He goes to a family with kids and another dog to be buddies with. I think he will have a wonderful life !

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