Doodle Dandies. :)

The battery in the camera died this week (with pictures in the camera!) and who knew it is hard to find a digital battery for the cameras? And, that each camera has a different battery for each style. Geesh. 🙂  But Jeff came through again! That is, until he went fishing and forgot to tell me I had family coming for dinner and to spend the night this weekend. 

I am holding out judgement until Valentines Day(just to see if this guilt might bring manna from the Valentines Fairy? ). 🙂 I love him and know he was just thrilled to go hit the rivers. I see Salmon in my future (love Salmon!…but Jeff, not be for valentines day, and no honey, a fishing pole is not a good valentines day present even if it is pink).

I did take full doodle advantage of my family and recruited nephew Tanner who had a nature doodle ability and very apt at the social study skills of doodles. A good time was had by all.

This morning Jay came for Daphne and she left after several hours visit and a mimosa toast (three I think?) to her “becoming a city girl” in Portland. I hope she gets a cell phone to call Grandma. I bet we could teach her to speed dial…do you think there is an app for that?  🙂 She is going to be so well cared for and loved, I know.

This week is first shots, the great outdoors, tunnels, steps, concrete, trimming toenails, perhaps eye gaurd trim. We like to do this after a good play or bath and play so they are almost asleep when we trim. It does drive me crazy, but as their coat grows, it also grows towards their eyes and they move so much it is a two person job. 

This week continues Belle weaning and food change over, introducing dry kibble with wet .  They are already sleeping in the puppy crate without a door. My, my, where does the time go?

Jeff had to star in my most recent video, seen below. Pentance? Haha! Okay, the video is a bit long so I recommend you leave this up on your computer and go away but first turning up the volume. Go make some tea (or pour some wine) Let it play all the way through and then sit down and play it again. I know it is shaky, but I had puppies on my lap or wanting to play with the camera…I hope you enjoy a small slice of doodle dandies.

[flowplayer id=24 width=480 height=320]

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