Big Izzie update

we have two Izzy’s (Izzie and baby Izzy) which can get confusing; but then again; we have 3 Zoey’s, 2 Daisy’s and 2 Rosie’s in the line. But, just show me a picture and I know who you are!

Big Izzie is our Girl that is up and coming and we are very excited about her lines. She is with a guardian family that will be her forever home and to make things even more confusing; her name is Vicky (with a Y) as well. “A rose by any other name still smells as sweet”…

Here is an email update about Big Izzy who lives the life of a volkswalker/doodler with the most wonderful family.

Hi Jeff and Vicky,
Just to let you know, Izzie continues to thrive.  She is a great joy, and has become quite a celebrity at the dog park.  Her behaviour is gettingh better, she seems more in tune with what is expected of her now.  She continues to enjoy her little meals, and knows when meal times are.  Her and the cat still do agree to disagree, but Izzie gets along well with other home cats.
I do think Izzie seems to really love both Loyd and I.   We are thankful that she is not a barker, except once in awhile when she gets excited or irritated with the cat, or is trying to get less active  dogs to play with her at the dog park.    She has no need to bark, since all her needs are met!   
Blessings,  Vicky

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