Is it 5 O’Clock somewhere?

Well; here it is almost one in the morning. I just got done with the photos for this week. I try to add a “watermark” on the photos as we found people were stealing out photos and showing them as if they were their puppies. Humph. So, it takes me a while to add the mark to the photos. I uploaded them to our online photo link. I could not decide which ones I liked best so I uploaded many. I would be a perfect “hoarder” if I could. I love all my babies.

I must go to bed as I have an early morning in front of me. I hope you enjoy the photos and two videos. I will update everything tomorrow (actually, today?).

They are all doing so well and growing like “weeds”. The kids have huge grins as well. Gosh, I love Gracie’s kiddos. I am so impressed with them and each is so special and unique and just wonderful little spirits.

~enjoy the pics! And, guess what? I feel teeth in their gums getting ready to come out. Amazing, hum?

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