
Hi again,

You were right Bonnie, I’ve found a couple of loose teeth so Tuck is well on his way to getting a new set of teeth. His gums look a little swollen where the new teeth are coming through but he doesn’t seem to want to chew on something all the time. So must look worse than it feels. J We weighed him yesterday and he is steady at 18.5 lbs. Who knows, maybe he’ll end up stopping at 25 lbs or so after all. I’m enclosing a few pics taken late yesterday and this morning. (I hope the files aren’t too big as the software which I use to reduce the size of the file isn’t working-if so will send in separate email) He is a tad rough looking and appears darker than he actually is especially indoors. There is one with Toby who used to be so much bigger then Tuck just to gage his size.

Class was interesting yesterday and mostly the dogs played around while we listened to the instructor. This class isn’t as much advanced as I thought it would be but I think it will work out fine. It won’t hurt to practice many of the basics and get them down solid. I don’t think Tucker is really ready for the next higher class anyway. Things will change next week somewhat in that we’ll be working more with the puppies during the class. We received a good outline and instructions for home in the class which will be good to refer to. This class is the same in that it is the “clicker” method. That seems to be working well with Tucker so we’re just following up on the same techniques.

Forgot to mention Tucker “seems” pretty well house broken too but I’m not ready to say it is a done deal yet. It has been a couple of weeks since we had any accidents (and then only one that last week) and he is the one going to the door to be let out. Not ready to call in the carpet cleaners just yet either. Want to make sure! When I/we leave for anytime, I make sure he and Toby are in the laundry room which they don’t seem to mind at all. Toby has never been 100% reliable when we aren’t home and I don’t want him teaching Tuck any new tricks while having the run of the house. J


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