More puppy exchange emails…

Hi All,


xx, I can just imagine Tucker chasing after the German Shepherds…what a sight that must have been.  The mouse that roared. 


I didn’t want to tell you all last evening for fear he might of forgotten it this morning but he hasn’t so here’s the big news…Bosley has learned to sit on command.  It only took 3 short (I mean no longer than 2 minutes) lessons yesterday.  The first time it was like he didn’t have a clue.  Second session he began to get it.  Third lesson he had it.  He now has to sit when he’s fed and several times when I’m on the floor playing with him.  This morning while I was on the floor with him he started climbing on me to kiss my face and do his puppy mouthing.  I told him sit (just once) and I could almost see the wheels in his head turning…after a second or two he popped his rear on the floor…are these guys smart or what?!  If only house breaking were this easy. 


One more thing before I hit the showers…am I the only one who has a family room that looks like it’s the home of an over-active toddler?  There are toys scattered all over the floor.  I put them away but then before I know it there are stuffed toys, bully sticks, balls and Nylabones spread from one end to another.  Can we teach them to put away there toys?


Any hints on how to take puppy pictures.  I tried yesterday but it’s almost impossible – when I’m down on Boz’s level he takes it as an invitation to run up to me…can’t take a picture when he’s only 3 inches away. 




Enjoy your day, xxx    

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