It’s the end of the world as we know it..but we feel fine…

Week 6 is the beginning of the end. But it is all good!

Yes, this is the week they will probably be fully weaned by mom, as she is not enjoying their sharp puppy teeth. Most of the front teeth are in, and the back teeth are coming which leads to heavy teething. This means they are no longer a whelp but puppies. Yet one more step as they move through birth to the 8 week mark so quickly. Libby usually goes a little longer but I can tell she is starting to cut them off the milk bar. Food wise, they are getting wet food with some dry kibble that has been softened.

They are getting their nails trimmed today, have had their first shots and their first baths. They will also start lessons of pack order being corrected by both Libby and Belle as to who is the leader of the pack. If the weather holds there will be more outdoor exploring, and usually some doogie door lessons. They have three steps from the garage to the house mastered (going up, not down yet). But here is a first, with this litter for some reason; they love to play inside Libby’s crate. Most other litters play under the table. They still do the chase through the house but I think they prefer to stay closer to the kitchen.

They have moved to the puppy play pen for their nap time and time when I am gone. Soon, they will lose their whelp box and get a crate without a door to start their own early crate training. They climb in and out with each other and this helps them feel more comfortable in the crate if they are to fly. Also inside the puppy playpen, they are using the litter pan called ugodog almost from the start. I love that product!

I posted some video snippets on the online journal; although it was evening and dark. I have one camera that records little snippets but the quality is not that wonderful. I found it just in time as Bosley’s new family came over for a puppy fix. J It is a very good match, and Bosley will be very happy. He claimed his new dad yesterday, without question! I love to watch that match up for both puppy and owner. I read my puppies and read the owner and watch it unfold. Some of my puppy owners out there know what I mean, when I say no…this is not a match, but you ended up with the one that was right. I remember Roxies dad raising an eyebrow when Roxy picked him and I said, that’s your puppy. And, sure enough… it was, hum? J Yes, I know my puppies and am so happy when it all comes together and you all send me pictures and updates.

This morning both Curtie and Sunny are still waiting for their family.

Enjoy week 6 my puppies…


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