Sydney Update

Below is an update that came by email late January. I am getting caught up an thought I had posted it for Sydney’s litter mates to have an update. My bad! Thank you Michelle for your wonderful emails and updates. It is fun watching them grow.

Hi Vicky,

How were your holidays?  Its hard to believe that January is half 
over.  I’ll be honest though, with the deep freeze we are having here 
in Madison (kids had to stay home from school with wind chills between 
-35 and -45 degrees this morning) I am ready for January to be 
over 🙂  It has become a lot easier to get Sydney in from the yard now 
though.  She does her business a few feet from the back door and is 
ready to come back in.  Poor thing out there, if only we could teach 
her to use the toilet 🙂

xxxxxx I excluded part of email, that was personal in nature between Michelle and I xxxx

I wanted to send a picture of Sydney giving me the “are you almost 
done on the computer” look.  Hope it makes you laugh,
Michelle xxx


(Sydney picture above with a late January email; below with a December email). Sydney and this little one are on the home page. Fun to watch them both grow!

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