It’s Leo!!!

Hi Vicky,

How are you?  Getting ready for the holidays?  I am not as ready as I should be….Leo will be having his first Christmas at Grandma’s house (his other Grandma…). xxxxxx- I wanted to send a new picture, and he was going for another check-up/puppy shot yesterday, so I figured I would update then -He is awesome – he’s the best puppy still.  He is a happy, healthy whopping 18 lbs!  He is going to puppy kindergarten and is the best behaved, cutest, calmest, one there.  He is so smart and does everything almost perfectly (and then he comes home and does whatever he wants, he’s a stinker too!)


He has almost no accidents in the house – he has only done #2 inside twice since being here (once when I wasn’t home).  Although he does tell us when he has to go, it’s not exactly how I would have picked (he barks, in my face, and he has the LOUDEST bark for a puppy).  But that’s okay – he is telling us anyway –


I could go on and on about all the things he does, but that would take too much space – the kids love him to pieces – my daughter thanks me every day for “picking out the best puppy ever!”


I’ve attached a video of him and D playing fetch in the yard – xxxxx


We also had a big storm yesterday, his first real snow day (unless it snowed in Oregon in November?) and he LOVES the snow (although he couldn’t figure out how to “go” in it at first)  Have a picture of that also. It did dust a little on the fetch day, and he was fascinated then, but it was not much to play in.


Hope you have a wonderful holiday and the New Year brings you peace and happiness. And lots of cute puppies!  Oh, how’s Libby?  Is she having more?


Be well,

xxxx (aka Leo’s Mom)




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