Zoe Rai Update…

Vicky, Jeff –


Hope all is well!  I’ve been meaning to send you an email this past week and this is the first opportunity I have had.  Zoe is doing wonderful!  She is such a GREAT dog!  She had adjusted extremely well to her new home here in Michigan.  She loves her backyard so much that she rarely wants to ‘use’ the bathroom in the field outback…I guess that is a good thing.


Her potty training is coming along too.  She’s had a few mishaps…not much though!  She has caught on rather quickly! I have been working with her on the ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘down’, ‘off’ and ‘leave it’ commands…again, she is a smart little whipper-snapper!  She has them almost mastered!


To show you how spoiled she is, I have attached a few more pictures.  My co-workers surprised me last Monday (my first 1/2 day back into the office) with a large basket filled with puppy toys!  She is WELL LOVED!  AND SPOILED!!!!!!!!!!!  🙂 She is going back to the vet this coming Friday for her third round of shots.  Targeting her spay to be early June as the vet said to give her a little more time to just get acclimated to her new surroundings before stressing her with surgery.  I agreed!


Oh yeah, last night was the first night she slept in bed!  She has been doing great in her crate at night…although the past three nights she would wake me up at 1:30 and 3:30 to go pee…although, I think she just wanted ‘reassurance’ and/or a little attention.  Last night she curled right next to me and slept all night without a problem.  She woke up at 5:15am to go outside, eat, play for 45 minutes…then she was down for a nap! More to come!  Hope you enjoy the pictures!  🙂


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