Zoe Rai and her forever home…

Hey “Aunt Vicky” and “Uncle Jeff” – I’m really enjoying my time in my new home!  Mommy and I have been playing quite a bit!  I was a good girl last night and went to bed at 11pm and slept until 4am!  Mommy got up and took me outside to do my ‘business’.  We then ate, played and took a 2 hour nap next to the fireplace (Mommy likes to turn the fireplace on when it’s a little chilly out)…I liked it too!  I snuggled right up next to her…it felt so good!


She then took me out to my new backyard.  I LOVE my backyard!  We played, walked around the yard, etc.  Mommy then ran up to the store…I stayed in my new crate.  She gave me my Kong toy with just a tad bit of peanut butter in it.  I was so good I didn’t mind being in my crate.  I didn’t even cry (I knew mommy was listening through the door to see if I was going to cry; but I didn’t)!


Mommy and I then cuddled again for another 1.5 hours before dinner…I LOVE cuddling with Mommy.  Now we are playing again!  Here are some pictures that Mommy took of me last night and today!  I’ll write later!


Love you,


Zoe Rai

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