The 8th week …

Here it comes; the 8th week. Hopefully your all prepared!

I am preparing packets which will contain pedigree, registration, health records (parent information as well), contact information, avid microchip information, puppy general information booklet. I will put your copy of the signed contract in the packet as well. The first thing I want you to do when you get the packet is complete your microchip information and register your puppy. I don’t suggest you put the microchip tag on your puppy collar but store it in a safe place. Everything is tied to the microchip number and I have it if you ever need it. But, the chip is of no use if you don’t register the puppy with Avid. Remember if you ever move to change your contact information with them. The next thing I hope you do is think about the first aid supplies and kit information in the booklet. “Be prepared and hope nothing will be needed”.


This packet comes from Purina Pro Plan which also has a $5.00 off coupon for the puppy food we use.  We will send you a little baggie of the food as well. We feed the puppies Purina Pro Plan Select Chicken and Rice (please don’t get any thing else by Purina; this is their “top line” ). We give them this dry food 2 times a day and give them a mix of wet for the afternoon meal. The wet is the Purina Pro Plan Select canned, chicken and rice.  We also occasionally feed them a bit of ground meat (venison or burger), slightly cooked with the dry. You will over time adjust the puppy to your schedule, and not ours as well as your food of choice. I will be mailing the packets out later today. Chloe’s mom, I will hand deliver to you when I see you at the airport.


For those of you who have a puppy that has been desexed, you will want to inform your vet that the puppies have been desexed and will need to have their stitches removed when you take them in. They are not supposed to be bathed until the stitches are out so I use Puppy wipes to keep them clean until then. I will add their care instructions in the packet. When they fly they will be finished on their “pain meds”.


The puppies will be due for their second series of shots on 4/2. Different states have different shot requirements so check with your vet. The have had their DHLPP+C (it will be in your packet) on 3/12. You do not want to take your puppy out and about until they have had their full series of shots. Since their second shots and stitches can come out on 4/2 you may want to make your vet visit for then and we can consider that still under the health contract if you wish.


Diet will be another thing you will want to discuss with your vet.  We use this food as it is one that tends to be readily available all over the country and is a quality dog food. Some people are very into the raw diet or human grade diet; some are not. I encourage you to talk to your vet about high quality diets. We personally feed our dogs Purina Pro Plan (the higher grade of Purina lines and one of the very few lines not “contaminated” with the bad rice scare). We also boost it up every once and a while with cooked venison, carrots or chicken blended in the food processor. You do have to change food slowly over time with puppies as to not upset their digestive system. We are in the middle of looking over other food options.  Connie, another puppy owner has provided us with some wonderful samples of food that I am going to try over time and I will keep you posted. What ever your food selection, please change their diet slowly over time to not upset their tummies.  As a precaution; please also stock your cabinet with canned pumpkin and pediolite (I might have already told you this) as a preventative measure in the event of loose stools. Finally, talk to your vet about teeth and ear care if your not familiar with it. We like to have the groomer pluck their ear hairs when our dogs are groomed and any time they get wet (swimming, bath) we use vet solution. We do this as a preventative measure and don’t have ear problems. If you do not know, you might also ask your vet to show you the proper way to trim their nails.


I will give the puppies a little sani-cut (trim up of the rear end) eye trim, and bath (or puppy wipe on the desexed ones); Jeff will trim nails tonight.  Wait until they have had their full range of shots completed before you visit the groomer or any “public place” with your puppy.


Another item I want to inform you as we have gotten several panic calls… The puppies may be running and then all  of a sudden let out this “bloody murder” scream of pain… check the rear end if this happens. Sometimes little bits of “rear end nuggets” glue rear end hairs together and it pulls their hair as they run which produces the scream.  You think you can see it; but you can’t until you look closely (this is why I give them a little sani cut).

All our big dogs are treated with a monthly dose of advantage so they do not have ear mites, fleas, heart worm, etc. We brush them and handle their feet and ears daily so they are use to the grooming process. I have two flea combs, not for fleas but one specifically to comb the puppies ears, eyes (what we call “eye buggers), and another one I use just for “nuggets” on the rear end. I use a sharpie pen and write on the comb which is which.


Regarding bathing and other supplies, I have a document with links that I am finalizing and going to put up on the online journal.  Pictures help I think when you see what I use. I use pet edge and walmart for many basic supplies; you don’t have to purchase them there but I will link to the items so you can get a “visual” of the grooming tools and pet supplies we have.

A reminder that if you are planning on continuing on with the UgoDog and have not ordered it you might want to visit the journal and click on the link to purchase one online so it is there before your puppy arrives. We have the crate in one corner, the food/water in another corner and the ugodog in another corner. The puppies are very into redecorating their space right now.


Feel free to email me your questions; I have to run some errands today and then prepare your packets to mail off.  I will be emailing you each your puppy neck size so you can get your puppy collar and leash. Hopefully you will get an engraved name tag as well. 🙂


 I hope this answers most of your questions and your excited about you puppy coming! And know, we are here for you if you need us.


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