5 Week Update


Wow! The 5th week rolled through quickly. Muse and Chase forever homes are now finalized. Muse will be going to an elementary principal and Chase to a previous puppy owner of ours that wants another Liberty Labradoodle. Both are being considered as breeders pending additional hip testing. Libby and Maestro do make beautiful music together. We are planning a final performance for the two and we will retire Libby after the next litter as she moves to full time Matriarch status. Thank you Libby for not only being a wonderful dog but for the puppies you have produced.


During this week our 5 week olds; Chase and Muse did more “come out and play” time then in weeks past. With only two in the litter we wanted to be sure they are pack schooled and friendly. Cinnie (from Belle’s litter) did her share as “all knowing babysitter and teacher” along with Libby and Belle. Muse and Chase have continued with soft food and their coats and structure are developing nicely.

This last week they experienced the outside back patio and we find yet another set of puppies wondering about the doggie door the others use. After thoroughly exploring the kitchen, dining room and living room they wanted to know where the older ones disappear to in the great unknown. Their tails were wagging furiously as they got to explore a new frontier. They also met Elsa, our cat and family members who came to see the puppies.

They are losing their puppy fat with lots of running as their legs learn to keep up with their desires of the chase. There are developing their noses and senses using their mouth and ears and watching the older dogs and following their lead. Every day is something new to learn!

In their sixth week they move into more nip and chase as they develop their sense of pack hierarchy. This is a must learn social respect training that is important before they go off to their forever homes. They will be put in place by their mother, auntie and babysitter and will start their potty training as they begin a bit of bladder control. They both sleep in a small crate without a door to help them get familiar with the crate at an early age.

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