A doodle owner email…

Vicky~We loved the way you spoke with us on the phone to better answer our questions. The fact that you have so many pictures on your website was wonderful. We would rush out at eight in the morning to see if you had put up anything new before you went to work and again at about seven in the evening to see if you had anything new then. We wanted a girl,as you know, but you thought Teddy was the one for us and he was. He’s perfect and fits into our little family like a glove.The pictures made us fall in love with him even more than we were already, because you know we loved them all and couldn’t wait to find out which would be ours. …it was so hard waiting…to even find out if we got one of them…I think you have great instincts and a huge amount of integrity. We love the fact you are protecting the breed so well. And the puppy cam will only enhance what you do already. 

….I had waited over a year to get my “perfect dog”.  I could love almost any little dog, however, I had had my heart broken when I lost my lab to hip dysplasia and my little poodle to cancer.  I first heard about labradoodles on 20-20 and was blown away when I learned of their personality, loyalty and intelligence.  I read everything I could find about labradoodles.  Everything I read about these wonderful creatures reassured me that  I was making the right choice with this breed.  I needed a dog that was going to be healthy.  You were the third breeder I talked with.  You were so willing to answer any questions I had.  I found out all about Libby’s lineage.  She and all who came before her as well as Maestro, had been screened for all of the genetic diseases you would not want in your puppies’ DNA history. You are such a responsible breeder and you are wonderful.  You knew so much about “doodles” and were so protective of Libbie and her babies.  You made sure their environment did not get contaminated, keeping them safe from parvo.  I loved when you asked us to sleep with a little soft blanket or toy and mail it to you so the new puppy would be familiar with our smell!  You are so thoughtful.  Even though we could not get him until he was 8 weeks old  I loved how you helped us to bond with our baby before he was even born.  You had pictures of the ultra-sound, his birthday, first bark, first meal,being loved by you and Jeff. You even made him a baby book with photos documenting every day of his new life!  I love how you love the “doodle guys”!  Thank you so much, Vicky and Jeff.  Teddy is so secure and loving.  I’m sure it’s because of all the love and caring he received before he came home with us.  One last thing….after being a nurse for 30 years, I can honestly say I have never seen a pediatric patient get any better care than Teddy got from you. 

Very sincerely,

Connie xxxxx and Mary xxxxx

(last name left out to protect them).

~**Vicky replies: Thanks Connie and Mary! Your great parents!!

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