7 Week Update on Belle’s Litter

Well here we are. The end of the 7th Week. This Saturday marks the start of the 8th week and the puppies from Belle’s litter begin to leave for their forever home. The 7th week was marked with Mocha Man; named Mr. Snickers by his new owner being de-sexed prior to his new owner flying in to pick him up. He shall make his forever home in Nevada.  He is back to his spunky self and they are frolicking and running like the wind now. No stumbling but there is the kind of sideways run when it appears their back legs go faster than their front; and oh; the smiles on their faces. There is posturing for the pack in full play and both Belle and Libby play and remind them of the pack. They are all happy, healthy, playful with each their own quirks that are similar yet different from their siblings. They are now on a 3 meal a day plan. Belle has weaned them, but; you know grandmas… Libby still feeds them as she is such the nurturer.  We have continued working on X pen training and crate training and they are comfortable in the crate although prefer to be with others of their pack or us. Australian labradoodles are very social animals and crave social interaction.

This week also marked the day they all began being able to get in and out of the outside doggie dog. They run to greet Jeff when he comes home, everyone taking a turn on the recliner for cuddly time. I have noticed a big increase in their watching Belle and Libby’s response to situations and following their lead. I notice a little fear now in new experiences where there was just that young foolish puppy care free life.  They play hard and longer now and sleep soundly on top of each other. They know what it means when the red feeding bowl comes out and start telling me how starving they are. They are on a mixture of chicken, rice, and dry food and we will finish to dry food so food changeover/finding will be easiest on their new owners.

We also had Silky adopted this week. They are going to call her Latte. She shall make her life in Santa Barbara. Now, don’t ask me to go read your palms or anything; but I was praying about Silky as we had so much interest in her and God impressed upon me Dev. Dev I thought? You mean Deb, right? Dev was the impression. My prayer and impression was about 3 weeks ago as the person who put a deposit down rolled to another puppy due to family issues.  Those calling expressing interest I would casually ask about family names.  Sure enough, someone ended up telling me Dev. I should know by now, never doubt God. I like that I think it is the right place where she is meant to be and although we had another wonder applicant know it will all work out as it should. It is so very important that both the family and the dog match so both will be happy.  I shall wait for it to all unfold as it should.

Kona leaves Sunday to leave by the beach. She is the “wiry” one of the group.  The family adopting her stopped by and she went and sat on the boy she is going to and did not get up. She was saying to the others “this is my boy”. I took that as a good sign as well.

Saturday I shall work on the pedigree paperwork and prepare each puppy packet with information, history, vet visits, vet card, micro chip information and information on puppy rearing. I will burn CD’s of their time together as they were small. I will take pictures of them for their last night of being all together. We will start with a soft collar so they will get comfortable with the feel.  Later, I will develop a web page for each of the pups so we can be on the other side and wait for emails and pictures of the owners as the puppies grow. They are all going to great homes, and will be great additions to their forever family.

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