Mocha Man flies the nest…

Mocha Man; Call name Mr. Snickerdoodle went to live in Nevada this Wednesday with a wonderful family who flew in and picked him up at the McMinnville Airport. Below are a few copy/pastes of emails keeping me updated; most recent on top. I think this is a wonderful match and I am so happy for them all!


Hi Vicky and Jeff;

Yes, he follows my every move – and by that I mean if I sit at my desk at work, he is under the desk.  If I roll my chair the 18 inches to the computer, he moves to beside me there.  He accompanies me to the copy machine, microwave, and ladies room!  At home he keeps me in his line of sight at all times, except that he’s gotten brave enough to jump into the house through the doggie door if I’m right behind him opening the door for myself.  Now under the computer desk at home he has his head on my foot.

So far he has spent at least six hours every night in the crate, but I seem to wake HIM up if get up in the middle of the night.  Then he cries.  Soooo, I take him out to potty and then WE go back to MY bed.  Still I think six hours in the crate in the kitchen is good and will continue that for now. He discovered his tail this morning and barked at it as he turned round and round trying to catch it!…


Hi Vicky and Jeff;

Snickerdoodle and I had a full day of activity together and by 3:30 pm we both went down for a nap!
 So far we have had a poop with every meal, and numerous wee wees – all but one outside!  (Only a puppy lover and a breeder could have this conversation)! I worked a couple of hours this morning and he made himself at home under my desk.  We went outside twice and he widdled both times.  Luckily I was alone at work today, so we could experience all that new stuff together just him and me.  We came home around lunch time and he ate, but not the whole amount I had measured into his bowl.  Tonight he has eaten it all, so I guess it was just that he wasn’t comfortable at lunch:  …He used the doggy door by himself this evening.  I went out and closed the door then lifted the flap so he could see me…I let the flap go and he jumped right through.

After supper this evening we went outside in the back yard and then out to the front yard.  Now he’s napping at my feet under the computer table!  Today he played big time with his squeaky ball both in the back yard and in the house.  He also saw his shadow and tried to jump on it!  He also played with the water coming out of the backyard hose as I watered my potted plants.

This afternoon we went to the vet and of course Mr. Snick checked out perfectly – I’ll scan and send the form to you tomorrow.  I was the typical overbearing mother and refused to put him on the scale in the reception office, and when I explained I was afraid of exposure to dogs that might have parvo , they agreed to weigh him on the cat scale in the back office.  I also wouldn’t let him be on the floor or table in the vets office for the same reason and held him in my lap in the sherpa carrier…they seemed okay with it!  They wanted a stool sample, so I went back with that late this afternoon.  He seems to ride well in the sherpa carrier in the front seat.  I put him in it but leave it open enough at the top that he can put his head through and look around.

Well, enough from me – will send the doctor’s report and a note tomorrow.  Thanks for everything.

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