6 Week Update on Belle’s Litter…

Feeding Time

Well, week six we have been very busy. The puppies went in and got their first immunizations along with their micro chipping. The puppies are no longer “whelp” they are little doggies; running, playing and jumping. It is hard to take a picture that is not blurry as they are on the move so much unless they are eating or sleeping. Everything is a new adventure as they explore under my favorite chair, the recliner, the stairway gate, the girls doggie door, our back yard area and learn the rules of the road for meeting cats (we have a de-clawed house cat named Elsa that plays very nicely and patiently with the pups), sharing food (mommies goes first), tug of war with their other siblings, how to climb, jump, run and chew.Although still nursing, we began the wean process as they are eating 3 times a day and we are for going the mid night feeding. The future owners of this litter, as you may recall from the information I sent during the 3rd week, the litter mates learned how to play and were in the most critical social development period. We are learning discipline from mom and she starts teaching them basic manners, including accepting her as pack litter. We now move into the “overlap” stage of development. Our puppies are handled daily but not separated from other puppies or mom for more than 10 minutes except for the vet check ups. This is to keep them from being to nervous, prone to bark or bite and have an easier time with socialization and training. Most experts agree that puppies need to be left with mom and siblings until at least 7 weeks of age; preferable a little longer for optimum social development.We now are in the best time in a puppy life; where experts say up until 16 weeks of age is that window of opportunity you have to make sure your puppy grows up to be a well adjusted dog. This is the time to leave the puppy with mom and littermates as much as possible. We don’t discipline them for play fighting, housebreaking mistakes or mouthing; and it is all normal behavior for a puppy at this stage.

We continue on with crate training although let them sleep all together for the socialization aspect.  I like to crate train at this time as we have some pups who have to fly and I want them to feel comfortable and even safe in their “den”.  We combine the crate training method with the “going outside” pre house breaking as we go into next week. From here on out when take them outside first thing to help them understand “where to go” and praise them in the process. We also take them out 5 minutes after they eat which currently is about the time we start to see movement, if you pardon the pun.

Going into the 7th week we really get busy with cleaning up (laundry and mopping J ), socializing, beginning training and setting up the arrival arrangements which includes the final vet visits, scheduling desexing, coordinating the pick up times and delivery times. You will find I get slower to post and respond to emails during this time as the puppies (both this litter and Libby’s litter) are our first priority.  I also want to spend as much time with them as I start thinking my time is short before they leave our nest for yours…

I have had several people interested in Silky but she is still currently available (which surprises me!). I took a close up shot of her back and side; and now need one of her face for the web page. Many were asking about her color and pigment; her nose right now is part rose part black and her little pink belly is spotted as well. She really is very sweet and unusual. I still may keep her as I have been so tempted all along. Perhaps it is fate?

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