6 Month Old Nikky Update

Hi Vicky,


Hope you had a great Christmas holiday.  Ours was quiet, except that we spent one whole hour at Dog Park instead of our usual 30 minutes!  There were about 15 dogs there, including 2 Great Danes about 1 year old – galloping around and Nikky running right beside the Danes.  His favorite is a cow dog of some mixed kind who is very often there.  Also a poodle and another Labradoodle.


We’re enrolled in our second class at dog school, and learning lots of things like “stand” and “wait” added to the stays, sits, and come. I imagine we’ll be in class through the winter as he responds well – and I learn a lot. 


Nikky has had one ear problem, but went to vet right away and got ear drops.  Also use a ear-wipe type cloth to clean his ears about every day.  I’ve been looking for the ear drop recipe you sent even before Snickerdoodle came to me and can’t find it…if you have it available, will you send it again.    


He loves fetching his toys after I throw them, and he has some favorites, including a bear dressed in a San Francisco 49 er cheerleader costume…it USED to have pom poms, but not any more….. Tearing up paper is a favorite past time, and hole digging progresses when I’m not paying enough attention!  He has recently delighted himself by pulling down the covers on the bed:  he stands one the bedspread facing the head of the bed and jumps toward the head with his forefeet out.  Then he pulls back his forefeet and does it again and again until he can undress the bed!


As active as he is, he is most cuddly early in the morning (6:30 a.m.) when we are about to get up.  He still eats a mixture of dry and wet food brekky, and only dry food the rest of the day.  He does still get up once at night to go out, but I suspect it’s because I do, so he waits for me and then I accompany him to the back yard.


Anyway, we’re as happy as can be, and loving to hear from you.






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