4th of July is coming! Is your doodle ready?

Just a reminder that with Fourth of July approaching first, hang your flag!
THEN have you thought about your dog and fireworks? Some do fine with the loud bangs and whistles… while some don’t. Libby, our retired resident grandmother now is not at all comfortable with the sounds at first. She settles in with the bangs, but it those long whistles that she does not like.
Chief barks and protects our home that I am sure he thinks is under invasion!
Visit with your vet about natural soothers or some good doggie drugs for the fourth if you have neighbors like mine that think the third is the starting point and the early morning of the fifth is when they just get started with their home made or I am sure illegal fireworks.
I love the 4th of July and enjoy fireworks, but I also love my dogs, my roof, and my sleep.
Here’s to Liberty!

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