Monthly Archives: May 2017

Mr. Green’s new home

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Anne has waited over a year for her puppy and she visited and adopted Mr. Green!

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The Game of Thrones Litter at 7 Weeks

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The Clue Litter 7 Weeks

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The Hamilton Litter after their bath

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Puppy visitors this last week has Alexander of this litter adopted as the wait list visits and picks. At this […]

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My top compliment ever..they go to good homes or they don’t go. Love you Cliffy you make me proud!

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Cliffy has been a wonderful addition to our family!  With people we meet, we always share Cliffy’s origin…it’s so exciting […]

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The Spring Puppies in one post

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It is getting close to puppy/family pairing time (aka allocation) and we still have some puppies available. I have several […]

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The Game of Thrones Litter at 5 weeks

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The puppies from this litter all have their teeth emerging; I sense an early wean with this litter. She is […]

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The Clue Litter at 5 Weeks

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The Clue litter have teeth in and al; their eyes and ears are open. They are using the ugo dog, […]

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Hamilton Litter at 4 Weeks

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The Hamilton litter is almost 4 weeks and we took pictures this weekend. This week they will have their teeth […]

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My Puppy Socialization Team Starts!

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Say hello to our two new puppy socialization peeps! Twin daughters of a co-worker, they are here to help socialize the puppies […]

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