Monthly Archives: November 2016

Mickey at 4 Weeks

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Here is Mickey at 4 Weeks:

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Ian at 4 Weeks

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here is Ian at 4 weeks. He is the first to do everything. First eyes to open, first to walk, […]

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Shane at 4 Weeks

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Here is Shane at 4 Weeks:

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Mimi at 4 weeks

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Molly’s puppies are 4 weeks old and get their first “human” bath

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Molly’s puppies had a bath last night and moved from the puppy play pen to the puppy penthouse. They all […]

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Adair is recovering nicely

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Adair is recovering nicely from his neuter. He will get a bath later today.      

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Auzzie leaves the nest this week

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Here is a photo of Auzzie who will get his bath later today after his stitches are removed. He will […]

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Nova leaves the nest Monday for her forever home

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Here is a photo of her while in recovery from her spay:

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Emmo has been adopted

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Emmo will go to his new family later this week. He is recovering nicely from his neuter. He can’t have a […]

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Ballie has been adopted

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Ballie has been adopted and will be leaving the nest to join her family in Alabama. Her new name will […]

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