Monthly Archives: September 2014

The move to puppy play pen and fort!

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The Lucy litter made their move from whelp box to the puppy play pen. The now have water, the ugo […]

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First Feeding

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Moving day approaches!

The Lucy/Banner litter were introduced to puppy mush last night. The first meal other than the milk bar. You can […]

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Three Weeks Yogi

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Three Weeks Kasey

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Three Weeks Mickie

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Three Weeks Babe

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Babe three weeks!  

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Finn 1 year old

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Love getting pictures from my puppy owners!  Happy Birthday Finn (Gibbs of the CIS litter) from the first Lucy and […]

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Finn (Gibbs) on the top of the world!

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Lucy’s puppies…Hello World! The eyes are opening!

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The puppies are starting to open their eyes! Yogi was the first of this litter.  Pictured first is Babe, in […]

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