Monthly Archives: May 2014

Almost 4 Weeks and visitors!

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Had the best Mothers Day ever with all family, extended family and our Grandbabies! Son, daughter in law and the […]

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First time in the puppy play yard

Last night the puppies got their first outing in the puppy play yard. They are still small so we contained […]

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Time out of the whelp box video

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Time out of the whelp box video

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And we are 2 Weeks..

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Butter, Hunk and then Casey (Snickers) turned two weeks this weekend. We had some wonderful evening light through the window […]

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Butters eyes are open

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Butters eyes are open

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Hunks eyes are open

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Snickers (Casey) eyes are open

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Happy May Day!

This morning we find that Snickers and Butter have their eyes open with Hunk’s eyes getting ready to open. Hello […]

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