Monthly Archives: December 2013

Rocky becomes Crosby when Santa drops him off :)

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My first dog was a present from Santa and my dog love was born! I love that Rocky was a […]

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First Haircut for Abby

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Time for the NCIS litter to go to the groomers for the first time. 🙂 Here is Abby’s first haircut. […]

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Ruby Love

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I missed the leaving the nest pictures of Charity, renamed Ruby. Thankfully, here are some they sent of Ruby. Happy […]

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Charlie Brown and Ruby

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Luna and The Grinch

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Well, this was very fun to see in my email. 🙂 Luna and The Grinch photos

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Finn Love

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My Mom won’t put him down!

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Happy Holidays!

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Happy Holidays to all our Liberty Labradoodle family! Jeff and I are so thankful for the Chirstmas Cards and photos […]

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Happy Holidays!

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Jefferson “flew the coop” for Bend, Oregon yesterday. The family came, they saw, they loved, and they all left. Boo Hoo! […]

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The last day the mountain litter is together

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So, today is the last day the litter will be all together. Lucy and her human mom came yesterday to […]

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Samantha’s first snow day!

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Oregon got snow and some areas more than others. Samantha “digs” the snow according to an email from her family!

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