Monthly Archives: October 2013

Oh Goodie! Rusty text update (Was Steve)

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Rusty was keeping me company while reading this morning however he wouldn’t stop trying to eat my book. He is […]

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Hello World!

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Some of the puppies eyes are starting to open! Hello World!    

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NCIS Themed litter video snippets

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Here is some video snippets shot on my iphone of the NCIS investigating the tunnel for the first time. The […]

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Recovered puppies meet Tunnel

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Ziva, Abby and Gibbs are free at last to stretch out and get some sunshine in the puppy play yard […]

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Under the heat lamp dreaming

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Lucy’s litter continues to grow at over a week old. Soon we will see eyes opening and the heat lamp […]

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Abby at 7 Weeks

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Here is Abby’s 7 week old photo. We will take her 8 week (plus three days) later today as on […]

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Gibbs at 7 Weeks

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Here is Gibbs at 7 weeks. We will take their 8 week (plus 3 days) later today as on their […]

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Ziva at 7 Weeks

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Here is Ziva at 7 weeks, we are taking 8 weeks today as on their 8th week they went in […]

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13 pet safety tips for Halloween

Costumes: • Keep your pet stress-free by choosing a costume that fits properly and isn’t too much of a distraction […]

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Liberty’s Lucy and Banner puppies arrive!

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We are thrilled to announce that Lucy whelped 5 puppies early this morning. Her first litter sired by Banner is […]

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