Monthly Archives: November 2012

Banner doing dishes

Cell phone shot, but funny! After Thanksgiving, Banner is being trained to do the dishes! Okay, truly, he is a […]

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Does someone need a haircut?

An earlier email from Barley just had that as the subject line of the email with the pictures included. He […]

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Hello from Bali!

Bali update! Vicky, Sorry it’s been so long for an update. Bali is doing great! She is growing very well […]

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Shilo Says Hi!

This is our most recent Shilo (as we have two). We had an email asking about where we get bully […]

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Oh Goodie, a Blue update!

I get updates on Blue from time to time and Blue even came up with his new mom and dad […]

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When making an emergency plan, don’t forget your pets!

You never know when disaster might strike, which is why there’s never a better time than now to plan. I […]

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