Monthly Archives: June 2012

Taking a nap…

Cinnie’s puppies are doing well! Eat, sleep, grow!  

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Cinnie is whelping!

3 Boys and 1 girl arrived on Sunday. Cinnamon (Cinnie) did great and the whelp took place at Cinnie’s guardian […]

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Wally Spotting!

Hey, Vicky and Jeff- Our Wally played today with his sis Mattie and Kristy snapped this shot of our “boy”. […]

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Bath Time for Barley

Oh Goodie! An update on Barley! He had his first real bath in his new home.   Love the picture!

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Hi Grandma! It’s me, Blue!

Huey from Izzy’s first litter has been renamed Blue and also went last week to join his forever family. He […]

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Oh Goodie! A Barley update!

Barley (AKA Louie) arrived via plane to his forever home a week ago. He had a small layover in Texas […]

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