Monthly Archives: April 2012


My brother’s youngest daughter had a boy! Worried that he was coming about 7 weeks early during labor my niece […]

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The puppy play pen

The puppies are having a grand time in their moving from whelp box to puppy play pen! Exploring is the […]

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4 Week Dewey!

Happy 4 Weeks Dewey!          

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4 Week Louie!

Happy 4 weeks Louie!          

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4 Week Huey!

Happy 4 Weeks Huey! Our second blue, which is the darkest brown! Handsome boy!             […]

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4 Weeks Old!

Izzy’s puppies are 4 weeks old! They have been busy this week, using their legs and moving from the whelp […]

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4 Weeks Old!

Izzy’s puppies are 4 weeks old! They have been busy this week, using their legs and moving from the whelp […]

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Happy 3 Weeks Louie!

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Happy 3 Weeks Dewey!

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Happy 3 Weeks Huey!

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