Monthly Archives: February 2012

Wishbone is available!

Last night we had Susan and Monte visit, Shilo’s new family, from Sherwood. Shilo will have a westie of her […]

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Sparky Update

“Anyone on the fence about getting one of these dogs needs to hop off fast. My Sparky is the best […]

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Yippee! My Gallery is coming back…

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Inch by Inch.. uploading “on the hill” is taking forever. But, goodie! Here comes the galleries. Here is Chief’s gallery […]

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Yard pictures, the first puppies to doodle at doodle acres!

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I have to confess, I was posting away with photos of puppy visits and their hello six weeks. I just […]

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Yard Video!

Here is a video of the puppies first time outside with Jeff yesterday and we are getting the page video […]

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Happy Valentines Day!

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Happy Valentines Day! I got tracking news the doodles valentine present is coming today! Yippee! I think they will all […]

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Valentines Day suggestion for your doodle

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I just  saw this on TV and I am ordering it for our doodles for valentines!  During the move, I […]

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Daphne a dora…

With the move, I miss my Daphne plant that would be just blooming. A new puppy owner reminded me the […]

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Doodle Rug?

Ahhhhh! This was a photo we got of Liam, and someone who saw he said he looks like a rug! […]

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4 Weeks!

Busy is the best way to describe the coming weeks. This week the puppies really took off from barely getting […]

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