Monthly Archives: February 2011

Misha (Sandy) leaves the nest…

Last night Misha left for her forever home, a very exciting adventure for the family!  Misha took to the lead […]

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Oh Goodie; A Charlie Brown Update!

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Cute email today about Charlie Brown’s first beach visit and first bike ride!, with a picture to match. 🙂 He […]

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Kizer’s Grace and Chief puppies

Here is the photo gallery for the last litter of Kizer’s Grace and Chief.  [monoslideshow id=41 w=550 h=450]

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Another long video; but they deserve it! Hello 8 Weeks!

Here is a 6 minute video snippet of the Chief/Belle puppies. I know, it is long. I suggest you let […]

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Hello 8 Weeks! Belle & Chief, final litter!

And so here we are; our Belle, the last litter she and Chief will ever have. Stunning. Love em. Word. […]

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Belle and Chief’s video; Hello 7 weeks!

[flowplayer id=26width=480 height=320] Enjoy! If you can’t view please email me!

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Kizer’s Grace and our Chief 2 Week video!

Eyes wide open, ears hearing, here is a video snippet of our visit with Grace: [flowplayer id=25width=480 height=320]

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Hello 7 Weeks!

Finally! Here is the 7 week old photos of the puppies. they are exploring, and we move into socializing with […]

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Oh Goodie, a Bindi update!

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Hi Vicky, We thought we would say “hi” and give you a little Bindi update!  The e-mail below is from […]

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My Favorite Stalker

Hi Vickster,   What a great bunch of Doodle puppies you have pictured on your website! I want them ALL!!  Just […]

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