Monthly Archives: November 2010

Liam Leaves the Nest

Liam left the nest for his forever home this weekend. But stay tuned, as we have great hopes for Liam’s […]

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Puppy Pictures

Here is a few photo updates; more updates coming later meanwhile enjoy! [monoslideshow id=38 w=550 h=450 ]

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Ahhh; a Luna update…

hi vicky, thanks for writing!  luna is fabulous.  we love her so, so much, i can’t imagine life without her! […]

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Oh goodie! My stalker returns!

first, you have to know that I called Shilo’s “dad” a stalker back in the day. We chatted so long […]

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A Newman Update…

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Newman loves to play outside and does pretty well on the leash.  He sits on command and responds to  off,with […]

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Charlie Brown and other puppy updates

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Charlie Brown’s family came and took him home yesterday. Our dad came over to meet the family since he was […]

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Oh Goodie! A Bentley update!

As I type, Bentley is chasing the birds in the back yard.  He starts his day watching them at the […]

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Oh Goodie! A Tucker update!

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Hey Vicky,  Your pups are looking really good. I love the dark. I’m not sure whether the darker ones are […]

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Oh Goodie! A Charlie Koa update..

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Hi Vicky,   I just had to share this picture with you. It is so funny! Charlie just loves to […]

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Doodles with Bibs. :)

Well; that was fun! Click on their picture to make it bigger. 🙂 Enjoy! Muse’s Litter: Sydney: Joey: Boomer: Bindi: […]

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