Monthly Archives: September 2009

Romeo at 2 Weeks

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Here is Romeo at 2 Weeks. He is tentatively reserved for Kathy J.

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Clyde at 2 Weeks

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Here is Clyde at 2 Weeks. He is reserved and the Wilson family is considering his name at this time.

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Rosie at 2 Weeks

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Here is a picture of Rosie at 2 Weeks. She might be reserved as a future breeding female, but I […]

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Two Week Old Puppies!

Well, everyone has their eyes open now. The photo’s don’t show it for their two week pictures as some were […]

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Not yet, but soon

Still not yet, but so very close on eyes opening. We watch and wait for the time to come. Perhaps […]

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introducing Apree

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Please join me in saying hello and welcome to the Liberty Labradoodle Family Apree! A  blocky chunk of love with […]

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Open your Eyes

We are getting so close to the puppies eyes opening. Two have the slits slightly more open then the others. […]

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Clicker Training for Puppies article

I found this to be a good article. I can’t stress enough the importance of the imprint stage and proper […]

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It’s all about development…

Stages of Development Scott and Fuller define these stages of social and behavioral development in puppies: neonatal, transitional, socialization and […]

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I found an old video snippet of Belle!

As you may know, I am slowly moving videos and pictures and web documents to one server. I started out […]

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