Monthly Archives: August 2009

an interesting article…

Health Benefits of Pet Ownership   In our hearts we know that pets enrich our lives, and in recent years […]

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Oh Goodie; a Tucker update!

(email from Tuckers family; a Chief/Libby baby) Hi Vicky,  Thanks for the pic (very nice) and news. Tucker is doing […]

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Muse Update

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here are a few pictures of Muse as we watch her grow. Thanks Lorna!

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Hello Apree… Jeff thinks your a Romeo..

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Well, it is time to announce we have a boy coming from Windsor Creek Labradoodles. We are busy making the […]

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Gracie/Chief First Litter is almost a year old!

Wow; how time flies when your having fun. 🙂 As I work on updates, I realize that Kizer’s Grace and […]

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Bosley Update

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Here is a cute picture of Bosley (A Chief and Libby baby) that I just got. He is the best […]

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