Monthly Archives: August 2009

another girl comes to the world

7:27 another girl joins the litter

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7:20; wow; another girl

another girl followed quickly…

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It’s another girl!

7:15, another girl is born.

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It’s a Girl!

6:32; Girl 1 is born; went to nurse right away..

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We are in Whelp!

6:02 Belle’s water breaks

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Xrays of Belle and Chief’s litter

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Well here we go. No puppies yet but soon. Here is the cell phone photo of the vet pre whelp […]

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Your going to cry…there is a story going round the internet..

I wanted to share this story. I don’t know if it is true; but gets to the heart. Maybe you have […]

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Netherlands Carolien about Echo and her visit

Hi Vicky,   As the puppies had their birthday, I was still in America. Echo was on vacation in our […]

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Tucker Pics!

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Hi Vicky,  Thanks for another informative note. I’m always glad to hear about the doodles around your place. I’m going […]

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What a one year old Leo Looks like

Here is a cell phone picture of Leo at one year old and a photo after he returned from visiting […]

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