Monthly Archives: May 2009

Echo Update:

A video from the Netherlands of Echo: [youtube=]

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Casey visits (Chief & Gracie puppy)…

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The Rope Toy

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  Doodles current favorite toy is a rope toy; which is also good for keeping teeth clean.

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Bosley Picture (Chief & Libby puppy)

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Hi again, You were right Bonnie, I’ve found a couple of loose teeth so Tuck is well on his way […]

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Tucker’s mom responds to the email from Bosley

(I just love extended family through doodles) May 1, 2009 How cute he is, LOVE the pics and in his […]

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Bosley update

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(I am behind in my updates as I have been in the garden… J )… Here is one from Bosley’s […]

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