Monthly Archives: March 2009

Bosley and Tuckers new family exchange hints and updates…

Hi xx,   Concerning the walking – Tucker isn’t always thrilled with the leash and sometimes gets REALLY tired of […]

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Tucker’s second update…

Hi all,   I hope xxx (I’m sure they did) had as good a homecoming as xx and I. We […]

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Tucker’s homecoming…

Hi Vicky,   PLEASE! I don’t take your (very experienced) advice as anything but you caring how Tucker adapts and […]

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Bosley’s homecoming…

    First of all THANK YOU VICKY!!!  How do you do it?  I wasn’t looking forward to the “”first night […]

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Tucker leaves the nest…

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Tucker (Curtie) was introduced to his family last night. We were graciously greeted with flowers and wine. We got down […]

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